PocketMLS.com - Control of Listings Back to the Agents who Cultivated Them


PocketMLS.com is designed as a pre-MLS hybrid listing first network for real estate professionals. We give control of listings back
to the agents who cultivated them.  List here first and syndicate later.

It's your lead, your listing and you should have the relationship and your earnings in your pocket. Not a third party website.

The "PocketMLS Network" is a online community for real estate professionals run on behalf of its members. We are building this community in order to help members promote and grow their real estate business on the internet.

Currently this network is in an early beta phase. You can create a personalized profile that will be made available throughout our network. This profile can be used to promote your existing web site, or as a stand-alone marketing page to attract new clients. In the coming months we will be rolling new tools to help our members enhance their profile, gain exposure, and convert clients.



PocketMLS.COM operates in the field of real estate marketing for International real estate. Owned and operated by Weksil LLC

With the slogan "Pocket Your Commission and Lead First" with a sustainable development strategy, taking Real Estate as a focus area, PocketMLS.com is constantly connecting between buyers and sellers in the field. Real estate, bringing people closer together, over the distance of time and space, is a reliable place for real estate investment - an area that is constantly evolving over time.   


- Acquiring domestic areas.  
- Reaching far across continents.   


- Creating the community  
- Building relationships  
- Nurture leads